It's been one long, chaotic week. I'm getting ready for finals, and have been worrying about getting to class with all of the flooding in my state (my route to class is right alongside a river from the halfway point to the college, and majority of that road has been/is closed). Unfortunately, my reading has been the thing to take the hit. So, I thought I'd do a big "Waiting on Wednesday" type post. Here are the books that currently make up my TBR/Wish List. I've noted the release dates for upcoming books, and all links lead to Goodreads.

Published by Speak/Released January 6, 2011
This one is on my list because it seems like it's part dystop
ian novel, and part social commentary. It doesn't seem
like it will be an easy read, and I anticipate that it will leave me with
a lot to think about.
A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford
Published by Greenwillow Books/Released February 22, 2011
It's got angels, a struggle between heaven and hell, and a girl with pink hair on the cover! How could I not add this one to my list?

Published by Simon Pulse/Released February 22, 2011
Boarding school, dark secrets, the ability to see into the future...
hurrah! I love paranormal books, and this will be one of the first that I
grab this summer.

Published by St. Martin's Griffin/Released February 1, 2011
A teen girl who works to save people from demons who are on the loose. Of course, she also has to deal with regular teen drama like crushes and school. This one has been on my list for quite some time.

Published by Speak/Released March 31, 2011
Well, the cover gives away the paranormal genre of the book. More boarding school, but this time there are treasure hunts!? Sounds like an interesting read to me.

Published by Feiwel & Friends/Released April 12, 2011
A dystopian novel taking place underneath New York City. Even though the cover isn't very appealing to me, I've read some great reviews of this one.

Published by Scholastic/Released March 1, 2011
Are you starting to see a theme in my TBR list? The majority of it is
taken up by paranormal books. This one involves a girl who gets visions after touching objects.

Published by Marshall Cavendish Children's Books/Released April 1, 2011
Three words:therapeutic forgetting clinic.

Published by Egmont USA/Release Date: May 10, 2011
Egmont books never fail to surprise me. They seem like they'll be
fun and fluffy, but they always hit on deeper topics. This one looks to follow that same pattern.

Published by Knopf/Release Date: June 14, 2011
I love the cover, and it sounds SO good!

Published by Scholastic/Release Date: June 1, 2011
A dystopian book with a strong female lead, I'll be waiting for this one to be released.
So, has anyone read any of these yet, what are your thoughts on them?
Next week: My review of Tempest Rising, and an interview with the author!
OMG, great books in your tbr pile. Hopefully you get to read them soon. ;)
I'm readign Wake Unto Me right now but there are a couple others on your list I want to read as well.
Oooo Wake Unto Me!
I read an ARC of The Sweetest Thing, it's really good! Just keep some cake or cupcakes in stock while you eat it, because it will you make you hungry.
XVI, A Touch Mortal and Enclave are in my TBR pile too. So many books and not enough time!
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