Saturday, July 10, 2010

In My Mailbox (July 11)

In my mailbox was created by Kristi of The Story Siren, who was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Here are the books I got this week...

For Review:

The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff

Mackie Doyle seems like everyone else in the perfect little town of Gentry, but he is living with a fatal secret - he is a Replacement, left in the crib of a human baby sixteen years ago. Now the creatures under the hill want him back, and Mackie must decide where he really belongs and what he really wants.

A month ago, Mackie might have told them to buzz off. But now, with a budding relationship with tough, wounded, beautiful Tate, Mackie has too much to lose. Will love finally make him worthy of the human world?

Part of Traveling Arc Tours


The Reckoning (Darkest Powers #3) by Kelley Armstrong

Only two weeks ago, life was all too predictable. But that was before I saw my first ghost. Now, along with my supernatural friends Tori, Derek, and Simon, I’m on the run from the Edison Group, which genetically altered us as part of their sinister experiment. We’re hiding in a safe house that might not be as safe as it seems. We’ll be gone soon anyway, back to rescue those we’d left behind and to take out the Edison Group . . . or so we hope.

Deadly Little Secrets by Laurie Faria Stolarz

Some secrets shouldn't be kept...

Until three months ago, everything in sixteen-year-old Camelia's life had been fairly ordinary: decent grades, an okay relationship with her parents, and a pretty cool part-time job at the art studio downtown. But when a mysterious boy named Ben starts junior year at her high school, Camelia's life becomes anything but ordinary.

Rumored to be somehow responsible for his ex-girlfriend's accidental death, Ben is immediately ostracized by everyone on campus. Except for Camelia. She's reluctant to believe he's trouble, even when her friends try to convince her otherwise. Instead, she's inexplicably drawn to Ben and to his touch. But soon, Camelia is receiving eerie phone calls and strange packages with threatening notes. Ben insists she is in danger, and that he can help--but can he be trusted? She knows he's hiding something... but he's not the only one with a secret.

Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender
Alexis thought she led a typically dysfunctional high school existence. Dysfunctional like her parents' marriage; her doll-crazy twelve-year-old sister, Kasey; and even her own anti-social, anti-cheerleader attitude.

When a family fight results in some tearful sisterly bonding, Alexis realizes that her life is creeping from dysfunction into danger. Kasey is acting stranger than ever: her blue eyes go green sometimes; she uses old-fashioned language; and she even loses track of chunks of time, claiming to know nothing about her strange behavior. Their old house is changing, too. Doors open and close by themselves; water boils on the unlit stove; and an unplugged air conditioner turns the house cold enough to see their breath in.

Alexis wants to think that it's all in her head, but soon, what she liked to think of as silly parlor tricks are becoming life-threatening--to her, her family, and to her budding relationship with the class president. Alexis knows she's the only person who can stop Kasey -- but what if that green-eyed girl isn't even Kasey anymore?


Monster of Books said...

Deadly Little Secrets & The Reckoning were good books. The Replacement looks intriguing will be excited to see your thoughts. Happy Reading XD

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

The cover to Bad Girls dont Die is haunting me! Whoa! Let me know if it is a good read!

Hope you have a chance to check out my IMM!
The Unread Reader

Holly said...

Enjoy Deadly Little Secrets, I know i did.

Little Miss Becky :) said...

The Reckoning and Bad Girls Don't Die are both amazing. I need to read Deadly Little Secrets, its sitting on my shelf!

Anonymous said...

I've read both The Reckoning and Deadly Little Secrets and really enjoyed them both. Hope you do as well. Happy reading! :D

Anonymous said...

I have The Reckoning on hold at the library, I can't wait til I get it.

brandileigh2003 said...

Great week! I really enjoyed Darkest Powers and hope you do too. You have a lot of sweet reading in your future :D Here is what I got.

Jenny N. said...

Great books, hope you enjoy them. I can't wait to start The Replacement myself.

Anonymous said...

The Replacement and Bad Girls Don't Die sound awesome! Happy reading. :]

Jake Kirk said...

I love the cover for The Replacement! I hope it's good!

Teens Read and Write

Emma said...

These covers are all absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy!

Emma said...

These look great! I have been lusting after The Replacements ever since I saw the cover. Enjoy!

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