Well, I told everyone that I would hold a contest, and so I shall! I'll be picking 2 winners, first place gets first pick from the list of books (there are only 4, so it's a small list). Second place can pick a book from the remaining three.
The books up for grabs:
Absolutely Maybe by Lisa Yee
Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause

Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon
On to the rules:
Leave a comment with your email address to be entered (please, please, please put down your email so I can contact you!)
+1 if you become a follower
+2 to current followers (thank you so much, you guys are awesome!)
+2 if you link to the contest (you can do this up to 3 different times for a total of +6). Please leave links so I can verify them
+1 if you follow me on twitter. Please leave me a link or your twitter name
The contest is open until August 5th at 12:00 pm EST
fantabulous contest! I'm already a follower. .. :-D
First contests are always fun. :)
+2 already a follower
+1 I am now following you on Twitter - I didn't know you were on there! My address on there is twitter.com/pookasluagh
Here's wishing you lots of entries! :)
Congrats on having your first contest! LOL, hopefully yours will do better than mine!
+2 already and will always be stalking you
+2 posted a link to contest on my sidebar: http://lilibethramos.blogspot.com
+1 stalking you on Twitter: @Lilixtreme
Great Contest!
+2 Already a Follower
+1 I follow you on Twiter
+2 Link to this on my sidebar: http://thebookexplorer.blogspot.com
+2 Tweeted about it! http://twitter.com/TheBookExplorer/status/2738903952
Your first contest is so fun. Thanks for having it! Please enter me.
+2 current follower
+2 http://twitter.com/bookgoil/status/2740019080
+2 posted link on side bar of blog: http://www.bookworminginthe21stcentury.com/
+1 Following you on twitter http://twitter.com/bookgoil
I'd like to be entered. =)
+1 following on twitter (reader_meg)
+2 linked on twitter: http://twitter.com/reader_meg/status/2740189035
Thank you!
Cool contest! I follow on twitter.
Great contest!
+1 Became a follower
+1 Following you on Twitter (I'm @chloeeesays)
+2 Posted a link on Twitter (http://twitter.com/chloeeesays/statuses/2740791785)
2 points for being a current follower :]
+2 I'll put the contest link in my sidebar.
+1 Became a follower
+2 Linked in sidebar (http://aflightofminds.blogspot.com/)
+2 Linked on Twitter (http://twitter.com/aflightofminds)
+1 Now following you on Twitter (aflightofminds)
Great contest, and thanks,
Alex & Lauren at aflightofminds(at)hotmail(dot)com
Great Giveaway!
+1 new follower
+2 if you link to the contest:
Sidebar: http://crystalreviews.blogspot.com/
+1 if you follow me on twitter. @SabriHorande
Great contest! romanticharbor@gmail.com
1+ became a follower
2+ for linking http://romanticharbor.blogspot.com/
+1 I became a follower on Blogger
+2 for linking the contest on my sidebar at: http://ceceliabedelia.blogspot.com
+1 I follow on twitter (@celialarsen)
awesome contest!
wow, sounds awesome... these books look so tantalizing :D
larsenvt (AT) gmail (DOT) com
These four books all look so interesting. Please do enter me. :D
Definitely count me in.
I'm a new follower.
I added you on Twitter and have Tittered about this contest under the name LadyVampire2u.
And I have this contest up at my blog here: http://ladyvampire2u.blogspot.com/2009/07/more-contests-happening-this-month.html
+1 if you become a follower
+2 if you link to the contest
+1 if you follow me on twitter.(neshelf)
good luck on your first contest!
+1 if you become a follower
+2 if you link to the contest (http://whatbrireads.blogspot.com)
+1 if you follow me on twitter. (whatbrireads)
Ooh! Great contest!
+1 I became a follower
+2 I linked it on my sidebar at wickedgoodbooks.blogspot.com
+1 I follow you on twitter @bianca1956
infinitemusic19 AT gmail DOT com
Great contest, please enter me!
I'd like to enter please!
Email: joannestapley[at]googlemail[dot]com
I already follow you!
I linked to this contest in my contest section, right sidebar:
I tweeted about this contest:
I follow you on twitter:
New follower
New follower on twitter (@Seriouslykooky)
tweeted http://twitter.com/SeriouslyKooky/status/2801333157
Awesome, thanks!
+1 became a follower
Great contest...count me in!
+1 became a follower
+1 follow you on twitter (prodElektra)
+2 posted on my twitter stat
+1 became a follower
+2 linked on sidebar
Thanks for the contest
Congrats on the first contest!
I just became a follower.
Congrats on your first contest, what fun!
+1 I am a new follower
+1 I follow you on twitter -- doodlebug40.
Awesome contest! Please include me in this drawing. Thanks for the opportunity! Indigo
+1 now following you
+1 Following you on Twitter @sageraven.
Count me in please!
+1 new follower
+1 follow on twitter @throuthehaze
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Hey girlie, please enter me for Silver Phoenix and Absolutely Maybe, I already have the other two ..Thanks. Here is my e-mail: lafemmereaders@yahoo.com
+1 I just become a follower
+1 I know follow you on twitter - @lafemmereaders
Great contest! I became a follower and now I'm following you on twitter (@omgitswendy) as well. :)
Blair lewis
I follow you
I follow you on twitter
I twitted this on mytwitter account
Shawna L Phillips
Thanks for the chance to win this Amazing book contest!!!
I follow your blog
I follow you on Twitter
I twitted about this contest - Tweeted about it! http://twitter.com/theblindcupid/status/2738903989
:) Fabulous contest :)
I'm a follower and I follow you on twitter (@Thebookcellarx)
:) Erica
Terrific contest! Please enter my name. Thanks!
I am a follower.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh. Great Contest. I reallyreally want to read atleast 3 of these books. =)
+3 Was a follower prior to contest!
Okay. So basicly I would love to be entered.
+1 if you become a follower
+2 if you link to the contest, my sidebar:
I'd like to win either Absolutely Maybe by Lisa Yee or Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause. Absolutely Maybe would be my 1st pick.
I'd love a chance. Thanks for the giveaway~
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Hey Lizzy!
Count me in and I am now a follower!!
Acacia McMurtrey
OH MY YES!!! Count me in & thanks so much
Shawna Jean
I would love a chance to win thanks bunches!!!!!
Please enter me in your contest. I'm always ready to win a free book.
Cool contest
+1 I am now following you on Twitter (cindysku)
+1 Followed you on Twitter justkeepreading
+1 followed your blog
Enter me please!
+2 I'm already a follower.
+2 I linked to the contest here: http://twitter.com/ParadoxRevealed/status/3132845475
+1 I follow you on twitter as ParadoxRevealed.
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
Those sound like good books! I'd definitely read them :)
+2 This giveaway is right on my sidebar @ http://endlessbooks.livejournal.com/
+1 I'm following you on twitter! I'm justeena
This is a terrific contest.
+2 already follower
+2 linked on blog here: http://thebookpixie.blogspot.com/
+1 follow you on twitter
Awesome contest!
I'm a follower.
I follow on twitter(naggy8)
Awesome, and congrats on your first contest! =D
My email is phantompuppies at gmail dot com
+1 I just became a follower!
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