Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teaser Tuesday & Secret Santa

What is Teaser Tuesday?
It's a meme hosted by Should Be Reading and here are the rules:
Grab your current read...
Open to a random page
Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on the page
Don't include spoilers.

"My name is Zara White and I'm almost seventeen years old. I'm a pixie, and my boyfriend was killed by a pixie king with the ludicrous name of Frank."
-Entice, Page 22, by Carrie Jones

I also got a surprise when I was leaving for class today. I opened up the door, and there was a package waiting outside from my Secret Santa! Unfortunately, I had to leave for class, so I only got a chance to read the card. After a long drive home, however, I decided to open them.

Wendy from
http://www.literaryfeline.com/ went above and beyond as my secret santa :)

I received three books from my wishlist, Wish by Alexandra Bullen, The Stolen One by Suzanne Crowley, and Dull Boy by Sarah Cross. Not only that, but I got some comfy socks (something I appreciate greatly during the Vermont winter), some Sweet Pea lotion (my favorite), and a cute stocking full of chocolates.

I'm not sure she planned for it, but the box also served as a gift. My kitten, Zeus, absolutely loved it.

So, a huge thank you to Wendy! My gifts are awesome, and I'm insanely grateful :)


Dazzling Mage said...

Yikes! Shocking teaser, but I love the biting humor. xD

Nice choice!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Great teaser and I LOVE your SS bundle! Major score.

Andrea said...

Great teaser! I still have read the second book though.

What a great SS you have!

Here's my teaser.

Harvee44 said...

A book loving kitty! What fun! Here's my tease.

Anonymous said...

Here is my teaser from Witchgrass: A Pipe Dream by Dave Wilkinson (Page 1):

Most gardeners hate witchgrass. Of all weeds it is one of the most persistent and adaptable. Any small piece of rhizome left in the soil can become an aggressive plant ready to take over the plot. Witchgrass is hard to pull. Roots are deep, and break off easily. Any part left in the ground will grow again. Farmers say the species isn't even good as hay, not as good as timothy or alfalfa. Some call it quickgrass.

Early New England colonists blamed evil people for this garden invader. In the seventeenth century villagers would speak this way:

"The surly woman living alone on her dead husband's estate. She goes into the woods and consorts with the Devil. Signs his book. Fornicates with him. Eats mushrooms. She and the Devil send witchgrass to harass the virtuous and the Godly. Let us hang this witch and seize her rich farm."

Jenny N. said...

Ok I want to read this book now. You got your SS gift early, hope mine will come soon.

Lori said...

I want a secret santa....I hope that you are enjoying your book. Check out My Teaser for Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

OH I can't wait to read this one! Great teaser - thanks for sharing!!

Michelle from Pineapples & Pyjamas

Jenny Q said...

That is a funny name for a king. What a great gift from your secret santa! My teaser is from Across the Universe, and I'm giving away a pair of romances, too!

Literary Feline said...

I am so glad you like everything! I hope you enjoy the books. I am also glad Zeus made good use of the box. My cat Parker loves boxes too. :-)

Thank you so much for the books you sent me. You happened to pick the two I wanted most on the list.

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