Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Teaser Tuesday (December 14)

What is Teaser Tuesday?
It's a meme hosted by Should Be Reading and here are the rules:
Grab your current read...
Open to a random page
Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on the page
Don't include spoilers.

"It's like reading Latin, only worse. Sigh."
Entice, Page 167, by Carrie Jones

It's been a pretty hectic week, since I've been trying to studying for a giant final exam. So, that's part of the reason why I pulled another quote from Entice.


S (Book Purring) said...

Oh noes,Latin? I'm intrigued haha! Great teaser, I'd like to read Entice at some point :)

Here's my Teaser Tuesday

Dazzling Mage said...

Lol, I wonder what it is that reads like Latin. Nice teaser!

Sniffly Kitty said...

I wonder if reading Latin is as bad as reading Chinese. What do you think of Entice so far?

Mine is here!

Sniffly Kitty
Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books
New Meme: Third Sentence Thursday!

Mystica said...

Latin - just faintly can remember bits!

jlshall said...

Good teaser! But I always enjoyed reading Latin, although I think I've forgotten it all now!

Here's my teaser.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Ooo what is she reading? :)

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Sounds intriguing...hope you're enjoying it.

Here's mine:

(click on my name)

gautami tripathy said...

Wonderful teaser! Have a great reading week!

Teaser Tuesady: From the Dead by John Herrick

Aimee said...

Great teaser! I need to catch up. I've only read the first book!
My teaser is at Coffee Table Press

Lori said...

LOL, Cute teaser. I hope that you are enjoying it. Wanna see what my Teaser for Tuesday is?

Anonymous said...

Here is my teaser from Out of Touch by Brandon Tietz (Page vii):

I used to be the kind of guy that would have no problem reading Playboy or Hustler on an airplane, but that me in "the before," and nearly everything has changed since that time in my life a little over a year ago.

This is not a coming of age story.

If that's what you're wanting then I suggest you put this down and read something else: something with a happy ending. Like Penthouse.

Or: the funny pages.

This is me giving you your official warning.

Because where this goes, you might not be ready for.

Darlene said...

Great teaser. I love that cover as well. My teaser is here.

Wendi said...

Love your teaser. I've wanted to learn Latin myself. Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi

Harvee44 said...

I'm curious about what could be worse than trying to read Latin! Here's my teaser.

BLHmistress said...

LOL, whats worse than reading Latin or trying to anyway

Here's mine My Tuesday Teaser

Crystal (I totally paused!) said...

Mmmm, I totally wish I breathed out glitter now, that's really pretty! The book sounds like fun too :)

My teaser:

Miss Page-Turner said...

This is a very short but still nice one, because I am now trying to imagine what is worse than Latin:D
Here is my Teaser!

And don't forget to check out my giveaway. You can choose 1 out of 6 2011 release novels to pre-order. It ends Jan 3rd and is open internationally. Just click...HERE!

Julie said...

Great teaser! I want to know what's worse than reading Latin? I really need to read these books. Need has been in my TBR pile forever! Here's my TT.

Wakela said...

Now you have me wondering about what she is reading.

Mine is up at http://www.wakelarunen.com/2010/12/14/teaser-tuesday/

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