Lauren Baratz-Logsted is the author of numerous adult, YA, and kids books. Her newest YA novel, The Twin's Daughter, was released on September 1st.
1. First off, thank you Lauren for stopping by and answering a few interview questions! Can you tell us a little bit about your writing, and your journey to getting published?
That would involve me writing a whole book - that is one big question! Here's the Cliff Notes version: I left my day job of 11 years in 1994 to take a chance on myself as a writer. It took me nearly eight years and seven novels written before I sold the sixth, The Thin Pink Line, as part of a two-book deal. I've now sold a total of 23 books for adults, teens and young children, 18 of which have been published at the time of this writing. While waiting to get published I paid the bills by being a freelance editor, book reviewer, sort-of librarian and window washer.
2. Describe your new book, The Twin's Daughter in a few sentences
It's set in Victorian England and is about a teenage girl who discovers that her wealthy mother has an identical twin who was raised in the workhouse. It's a combination of suspense, romance and mystery...and I hope readers will enjoy it!
3. The Twin's Daughter is a bit different from everything else you've written, what inspired you to write a YA mystery/thriller?
It's actually not as much of a departure as it might seem at first glance. A few years ago I had an adult novel published, Vertigo, that was set in Victorian England and that would also fall under the heading of suspense. In the case of The Twin's Daughter, I knew I wanted to write a book about twins but from the point of view of the daughter of one of those twins. and the idea I had - without giving any secrets away! - would only work in an era that would not have our technological advances. So back to Victorian England I went.
4. Without spoiling any readers, there was quite a big twist at the end (I know that I was surprised). Did you know from the start of the novel how everything was going to end for the various characters?
I'm glad to have surprised you. In fact, with the first draft of the book, while the last lines were the same, the thing you're talking about was totally different. I think it worked fine that way too but I hope it works better as it is: with all the twists in the road - hopefully! - being as shocking to the reader as they are to Lucy.
5. Do you have anything in the works currently?
I'm always working on something. My next YA novel, due out next year, is called The Middle March. It's about a contemporary teen who develops an unusual relationship with the classic novel Little Women. I'm currently waiting to do the edits on that one and in the meantime I'm percolating on another YA idea as well as another series for young children.
6. What's the most recent book that you've read and enjoyed?
I absolutely adored the adult novel Between Friends by Kristy Kiernan. For anyone who at all enjoys the novels of Jodi Picoult, Kristy Kiernan is the author to read.
7. Anything else you'd like to add?
I don't think I've said anything here yet that's either offensive or something I could get arrested for, so I think I'll just leave it at...Thank you!
Learn more about the author at her website:
Check out my interview of The Twin's Daughter here