Sunday, October 18, 2009

In My Mailbox (October 18)

In my mailbox was created by Kristi of The Story Siren, who was inspired by Pop Culture Junkie. Here are the books I got this week...

This week I got...nothing! I've been trying to get through my TBR pile.

I've also been feeling particularly unmotivated lately, so I'm going to actually try to get some work done today.

What did you get this week?

*Check back later today for the announcement of my contest winner


PolishOutlander said...

Great photo though :) I might have to print it out and put it in my cubicle at work. It can truly be hard to get through a TBR pile when there are so many other good books being released.

Anonymous said...

Getting through TBR pile is a good thing. I see you are reading Candor. I am jealous. Happy reading!!

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

lol, cute pic. And sometimes nothng is a blessing in disguise, good luck shrinking your TBR pile :)

Anonymous said...

Everyone has slow weeks. Have a great time reading Candor! I can't wait to read it.

Sheila (bookjourney) said...

I feel a bit like your picture...LOL. I had a really busy week last week and weekend. Home now relaxing and catching up a bit. My mailbox was a little mellow last week as well and I am not complaining. I have plenty to review :)

Faye( Ramblings of a Teenage Bookworm) said...

lol, i'm trying to get through my TBR pile 2 & i'm getting behind. Get reading lol :D

Rebecca said...

Awesome picture. It reminds me of my cat Harley. Hopefully you can get motivated. Enjoy.

emvuu said...

LOL. oh the cat... Don't worry I've been lazy my entire life !

Tales of Whimsy said...

Love the kitty.
He mirrors my sentiments exactly too. I'm feeling kinda lazy ;)

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