Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Teaser Tuesday (January 11)

Sorry I've been a bit MIA this week. I celebrated my birthday on thursday, and have been trying to catch up on my reading since then.

What is teaser tuesday?
t's a meme hosted by Should Be Reading and here are the rules:
Grab your current read...
Open to a random page
Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on the page
Don't include spoilers.

"She looked up again and the young man was gone, like smoke. Had she been hallucinating?"

-The Girl Who Chased the Moon, Page 30, by Sarah Addison Allen


BLHmistress said...

Welcome back and Happy Late Bday!

Ummm makes me wonder was she and who was he?

My Teaser Tuesday

Calico Crazy said...

Intriguing teaser, I'm guessing there's more to it than that. My teaser is up at Calico Contemplations.

Dazzling Mage said...

Ooh, intriguing. Nice teaser.

Julie said...

Happy belated birthday! Great teaser! I love the cover of this book. I've never heard of it before. I looked up her books. They all feature such lovely covers and stories. Thanks for sharing :)

Miss Page-Turner said...

I like myserious men, give us more;)
Here is my Teaser

Marg said...

Oh, I loved this book, and this is a fantastic teaser in the context of the storyline!

Here is my teaser

Christina T said...

Happy belated birthday!

I have been wanting to read this book. I am planning to get to it sometime this year. I've heard she is a fantastic author. Great teasers!

Harvee44 said...

Hope the young man makes another appearance. Nice tease. Here's mine.

Belinda said...

Ooh mystery! You can find my FEVERED teaser at The Bookish Snob

jlshall said...

Hope you had a happy birthday! Haven't heard of this title or author before, but that's an excellent teaser. Enjoy the book!

Here's my teaser for this week.

Alayne said...

I loved her first 2 books but haven't gotten to this one yet. Great teaser! Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

Mary Grace said...

I so love the cover of the book. Great teaser. Here's mine.

Zakiya LadyWings said...

Great teaser! New follower.

Happy Reading,
Zakiya - My teasers this week

Sally said...

I love Sarah Addison Allens books I've read all of them and am really looking forward to her next one The Peach Keeper.

Here's mine:

Crystal (I totally paused!) said...

I hope you had a great birthday!

What a lovely teaser, I've been interested in this book for awhile :)

My teaser is from The Anatomy of Ghosts:

Anonymous said...

Great teaser!
thx for sharing^^



Tales of Whimsy said...

O O O I LOVE this book. I hope you do too.

Great teaser.

Here is my super late Teaser Tuesday :)

Wendi said...

Fun teaser and great cover. :) Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi

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