Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Teaser Tuesday and Contest Winners

What is teaser tuesday?
t's a meme hosted by Should Be Reading and here are the rules:
Grab your current read...
Open to a random page
Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on the page
Don't include spoilers.

"I had been paying more attention to my thoughts than to the road, and when I shook my focus back to my driving, I found myself coming too fast into a curve. My foot jerked from the accelerator to the brake in an instinct to survive."
-Here Lies Bridget, Page 8, by Paige Harbison

Winner of Entice by Carrie Jones:

Entry 13: Allie!
I've sent your info on to Bloomsbury, and they will be mailing you a copy.

Winners of my 400 Followers Contest:
Winner 1
Susanna P.

Winner 2

Winner 3

I'll be emailing you three for your mailing information.

International Winner:
Dazzling Mage of A Reading Kabocha


Monster of Books said...

I love the cover of this book!! Great teaser XD

Julie said...

Ooo! Excellent! I can't wait to read this book. It's on my TBR list. Happy reading. Look forward to your review. Here's my TT.

Belinda said...

Loved your teaser this week.You can find my teaser at The Bookish Snob

Mardel said...

Now I'm wondering what comes next - an accident or a close call. of course, that's why they're called teasers. :)

Lacey Weatherford said...

Oh no! After looking at the cover, this poor dear sound like she's in for a really bad day! Great teaser though!
Mine is at The Delusional Diaries
Have a Happy New Year!

Marg said...

Uh-oh. This doesn't sound good!

My teaser can be found here

Majanka said...

Beautiful book cover, and a geat teaser! Not exactly my genre, but it does sound interesting.

Here's my teaser.

Julie said...

This book looks so interesting! Thanks for sharing the teaser! Congratulations to your winners as well!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, my, judging from the book's title, I'm guessing things didn't go well....

Here's mine:

(click on my name)

Tales of Whimsy said...

Nice one!
I'm scared for her.

Congrats all :)

I have 3-for-1 TT this week :)

Dazzling Mage said...

This is completely unrelated, but I'm taking driving lessons this week, and I'm terrified of driving. The teaser doesn't help. XD

But looking forward to your review!

Harvee44 said...

Glad she made it!
Threads West

Anonymous said...

Clever cover and great teaser! Mine comes from a new Swedish crime novel that is being released in the US today: Three Seconds by Roslund and Hellstrom. Here's the link.

~Sara @ Just Another Story said...

Poor Bridget...great teaser, here's mine--> http://unautrehistoire.blogspot.com/2011/01/teaser-tuesday-4.html

Emma Michaels said...

Great teaser and congrats to the winners!!!

Emma Michaels

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