Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (August 25)

Waiting on Wednesday was started by Jill at Breaking the Spine. This weekly meme shares the upcoming books that I'm most excited about.

The Secret Society of the Pink Crystal Ball by Risa Green


In a world where nothing is certain, a little magic couldn't hurt...right?

When Erin Channing's favorite aunt dies, Erin is bequeathed a pink crystal ball and a set of weird instructions. Granted, Aunt Kiki (aka Aunt Kooky) always lived "outside the box." But now Erin and her two best friends are convinced that the pink crystal ball holds the key to their future-or at least the key to getting dates...

Consider Your Fate to Be Sealed . . .

(From Goodreads)

Published by Sourcebooks Fire
Release Date: September 14, 2010


Literary Cravings said...

Great pick, can't wait to read this myself!!!

June G said...

Sounds like a light, fun, young read. I've been into darker fare of late, but when I come into the light again, I'll check it out. Thanks.

Belinda said...

Sounds like an interesting read and I hope you enjoy the book. Look forward to a future review.

COme by to read my WOW

Jan von Harz said...

I just finished and review this and really enjoyed it. it cute funny with just the right amount of romance. Great pick!

Romy @ said...

This book sounds like such a cute read. I'll be adding this to my TBR pile, thanks!

YA Book Queen said...

Awesome pick! I love the sound of this one, :)

Tales of Whimsy said...

O me too! This cover just screams to me :)

Here is my WoW :)

Nat said...

This one looks/sounds cute!

Alayne said...

Nice pick. Looks really cute and such a whimsical title! My WOW is at The Crowded Leaf.

Cecelia said...

Ah, nice! I foresee many misadventures within those pages. Nice choice!

If you'd like, you can check out my WoW here.

Kaye said...

Sounds cute! Love the cover. Hope you enjoy it when it comes out.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Sounds like fun!

Click my name for the URL.

Anonymous said...

That does sound like a great read. I hope you enjoy it.

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