Wednesday, December 9, 2009

200 Followers Contest

To say thank you for reaching 200 followers, I'm going to host a contest! Here are the rules:

There will be two winners (for now, based on response to the contest)

First Prize: 2 books from the following list, or 1 book and 1 pre-order (under 18 dollars, please)
Second Prize: 1 book from the list, or 1 pre-order (under 18 dollars)
EDIT*: Third Prize: 1 book from the list

Book List:
Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon
Absolutely, Maybe by Lisa Yee
Private by Kate Brian
Untouchable by Kate Brian
Revelation by Kate Brian
Inner Circle by Kate Brian
Confessions by Kate Brian
Invitation Only By Kate Brian
Mr. Darcy, Vampyr by Amanda Grange
Violet Wings (ARC) by Victoria Hanley
Sammy's Hill by Kristin Gore
Donut Days (ARC) by Lara Zielin
Dust of 100 Dogs by A.S. King
The Plague by Joanne Dahme
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Edit*: The Mark by Jen Nadol (ARC)

Please fill out the form below, and commenting on this post will get you an extra entry. Don't forget to leave me your email address in the form, instead of the comments.

Open to the US and Canada Only



Meghan said...

This is an awesome contest. Thanks!

Sandy said...

Silver Phoenix! I've been wanting to win that for so long but so far no luck. But I'm still trying >D

Congrats on the 200 followers! *throws confetti about*

Erica said...

Congrats on 200!!! That's awesome!

Tynga said...

Great Contest!
Congrats on 200 followers =)

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

Most excellent contest and congrats :)

Cecelia said...

Yay for contests and awesome followers! Thanks!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Oh very nice, congrats. And thanks for the giveaway. come on by and enter mine too if you wish.


Kristen said...

Congrats! I hope I win b/c I'm dying for Silver Phoenix!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! Great giveaway!

pepsivanilla said...

Yay! Congrats on 200 followers :)

Andrea said...

Congrats on your 200 followers! Great contest and great books.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 200+ followers!!!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Yah! 200! Whoot!

I would LOVE to win Donut Days and/or Silver Phoenix.

Thanks for the awesome contest.


(: Isa :) said...

I wanna read Silver Phoenix! :D

Lilixtreme said...

Congrats on the 200 girl!

Brooke Reviews said...

Congrats on 200! :D Great prizes too!

elaing8 said...

great giveaway
Congrats on 200 followers

donnas said...

Congrats on 200!!

Eleni said...

Great contest!! A great set of books to give away :)


Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway. I'm so excited!

Jessy said...

Thanks for the giveaway. You have so many great books up for grabs.

Jenny N. said...

Congrats on having over 200 followers!

Jenny N. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karissa E said...

Wow 200 followers! That's awesome, maybe my blog will get to that some day :-)


Emily said...

Great contest - congrats on the 200 followers!

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

AWESOME CONTEST!!! Congrats on the 200 Followers!!! ;o)

throuthehaze said...

Great contest! Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome contest with great books! Thanks a lot.

Sylvia said...

Wow! This is one amazing contest! There are too many wonderful books out there to be pre-ordered, thanks a lot:)

J. Lee said...

Great contest and congats

Justine said...

Oh my, Beautiful Creatures! And so many more! Ah!! These are all so amazing. I'd love to enter, please :)

A very big congrats on 200 followers, by the way!! :D

Bleuette said...

Sounds Great! Congrats on the followers!:)

Kari Olson said...

Wow what a great contest and congrats on 200 followers!! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Wahoooooo on 200!! You so deserve it!

Katie said...

Thanks so much for the awesometastic giveaway. =]

Jamie said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!! This is awesome!!

MissA said...

Yay 200 followers! (now 216). I would like to read absouletely Maybe. I really liked Silver Phoenix :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome contest!! thankyou!

Euphoria13 said...

Cool contest! :) Would love to win a book!

Unknown said...

Omg I really want to win this contest ! but no luck

Chioma said...

Congradulations on 200 followers!!! And I see a little more than 200 already!!! Keep up the blogging.

Genevieve said...

great contest! Congrats on getting above 200 followers!

Monster of Books said...

This looks like such a awesome contest. I would love to enter it :) Congrats on 200!!

Debbie's World of Books said...

Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!

Bookish in a Box said...

Congrats on the followers! The list of books is fantastic.

justpeachy36 said...

This is a great contest, several of the books are on my wishlist.

congrats on 200 followers and counting....

Test said...

Great contest! :)

Bianca said...

Congrats on 200 follower!

Amazing giveaway!

Sara said...

Thanks for the contest!
I see that you are reading SHIVER! :) I love, love, love that book!

Mavie said...

Congrats on 200! Awesome contest! =)

Ellz said...

Congrats on 200! Keep up the great blogging.

*I don't think I submitted the form twice, if I did sorry.

ReaganStar said...

What a great contest, I am so Excited Congrats on the followers

Anonymous said...

What a great contest. Count me in!

angel28140 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

Jessica said...

Great contest and congratulations for reaching more than 200 followers!

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Hm, I don't THINK I entered before, so I entered. Sorry if I submitted the form twice!
Anyways, congrats on 200 follower!! And awesome contest. :)

Faye( Ramblings of a Teenage Bookworm) said...

YAY! 200 followers! and many more 2come!

Simply Stacie said...

Thanks! Great blog- I just became a follower.

Natalie said...

Just came across your blog! I'm surprised I haven't found it sooner. It looks awesome! Thanks for the contest!

Alyssa F said...

Great contest! Here's to many more followers to come. :)

Rabid Fox said...

Sounds like a heck of a contest. Kudos on hosting it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 200 followers! Hope you get many more. :D

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! and wow what an awesome contest!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your followers! And amazing contest. Thanks!

Kara said...

Good books. Donut Days look interesting among many others. :)

Mandy said...

Congrats on 200 followers! =)

Tuning Into YA Books said...

Congrats on 200 followers!

Anonymous said...

Kudos on the 200 followers. You earned it! :DD

The Lovely Reader said...

This is a wonderful contest, thank you for hosting it :)

Taylor P. said...

Congrats! And great contest. =)

Steff said...

great contest and awesome selection! :D

Sarah E said...

Thanks for the chance to enter this fantastic contest! Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on reaching 200 followers! Thanks for holding this awesome contest. :D

E.J. Stevens said...

Congrats on 200 followers!

~The Book Pixie said...

Congrats on 200 and thanks for this terrific contest!


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