Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (July 27)

Waiting on Wednesday was started by Jill at Breaking the Spine. This weekly meme shares the upcoming books that I'm most excited about.

Bewitching by Alex Flinn
Kendra Hilferty, the witch who curses Kyle Kingsbury in Beastly, tells about her immortal existence—how she discovered she was a witch and the various ways she has used her powers to help people throughout the centuries. (Unfortunately her attempts have often backfired.) As it turns out, Kendra has actually had a hand in "Hansel and Gretel," "The Princess and the Pea," and "The Little Mermaid"—but these are not the fairy tales you think you know! Kendra’s reminiscences are wrapped around a real-time version of "Cinderella," except the “ugly” stepsister is the good guy. With dark twists, hilarious turns, and unexpected endings, Bewitching is a contemporary read for fairy-tale lovers, fantasy fans, and anyone looking for more Alex Flinn.

Published by HarperTeen
Release Date: February 14, 2012


Obsession with Books said...

A great pick! I am looking forward to this one as well.

My WoW,

Have a nice week :)

Carina said...

When reading this summary, I can't believe I haven't read anything written by him yet. :D

Thank you for sharing. :)

Jan von Harz said...

Flinn is one of my favorite authors so I am really excited about this one. Fab pick.

Christina T said...

I am looking forward to this one too. While I haven't read Cloaked, I liked A Kiss in Time and loved Beastly. I am interested in reading more about Kendra but after seeing the movie I hope I'll be able to picture someone else other than Mary Kate Olsen's creepy version of Kendra. Great pick!

Brittany @ Nice Girls Read Books said...

I LOVED Beastly, but I'm not sure if I'll pick this one up since I wasn't a huge Kendra fan, especially after the movie!!!

Check out my WOW this week!

Tales of Whimsy said...

You know, I'd seen this cover but had no idea it was connected to Beastly. FAB choice.

Oh and don't you love that gown?

PeaceLove&Pat said...

Love the cover. I enjoyed Beastly, so I am adding this on my tbr.

Here's my WoW pick this week:

Jenny N. said...

Had no idea that there would be a book about Kendra. I still need to read Beastly so maybe I will pick this up one day.

Anonymous said...

great pick and cover.

Unknown said...

I've never read an Alex Flinn book! That must be remedied immediately! Thanks for bringing this book to my attention! I'm definitely going to have to check this and other out!
Great pick! See what I chose at Fuzzy.Coffee.Books if ya like!
*now following

Anonymous said...

I like the beautiful cover~~

karen millen sale dresses

Nina said...

I still haven't read anything written by Alex Flinn. This one sounds awesome. ;)

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